Gender Reconciliation


I am passionate about the male/female Traditional African Muthi work I do with my private clients and the testimonials bring me much gratitude for the work.

When I heard about the Gender Reconciliation Facilitation Training my husband Paul and I decided to do the year long training which we completed in February 2016. To continue our professional training, we need to facilitate the 3 day workshop with the Gender Reconciliation Senior Facilitators.

What is Gender Reconciliation

The Gender Reconciliation process creates safe forums for deep truth-telling, healing, and reconciliation between the sexes.  The basic premise of Gender Reconciliation is that both women and men are afflicted by gender injustice, and each needs the other for a true and complete healing.  Taking a step beyond traditional forms of gender activism, the Gender Reconciliation process brings women and men together—to jointly confront gender injustice, and facilitates a collaborative process that leads to mutual healing, reconciliation, and often forgiveness between the sexes.

Gender injustice is evident in every country and every segment of society—from bedroom to boardroom, from parliament to parish—regardless of race, religion, culture, or class.  Virtually every society on earth is afflicted, and the entire human family lives under a kind of ‘gender apartheid’ between men and women of all sexual orientations.

If you would like to know more about the Gender Reconciliation process, please contact me via the contact form.

We offer a 1 hour Gender Reconciliation Taster and a 4 hour mini process. Out of this we will be hosting the 3 day Gender Reconciliation process.

“The future of humanity will be decided not by relations between nations, but by relations between women and men”

D H Lawrence